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Peer-Reviewed Presentations

McGrath, M. M., Lester, B. M., Boukydis, C. F. Z., & Sullivan, M. C. (1994). Predicted validity of repeated Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS) Exams in 4-year-old term and preterm infants. In C. Garcia-Coll (Chair), Arousal and self regulation in preterm and full term infants. Infant behavior & development: Special ICIS issue (Vol. 9, pp.137-143). Norwood, NY: Ablex Publishing.


McGrath, M.M., Boukydis, C.F.Z., & Sullivan, M. C. (1994).  The use of repeated NBAS exams to predict cognitive functioning of 4-year-old term and preterm children.  In C. Garcia-Coll (Chair), Arousal and self regulation in preterm and full term infants.  Infant behavior & development: Special ICIS issue (Vol. 9) (pp. 137-143).  Norwood, NY: Ablex Publishing Corp.


Garcia-Coll, C., LaGasse., L. Bigsby, R., Boukydis, C.F.Z., & McGrath, M.M. (1995). Arousal and self-regulation in preterm and full-term infants. In C. Rovee-Collier (Ed.) and D. Lewkowicz (Special Editor), Infant behavior & development: Special ICIS issue (Vol. 9) (pp.137-143).  Norwood, NY: Ablex Publishing Corp.


McGrath, M.M.  (1996). The association of infant regulatory processes with preschool measures of temperament and socioemotional competence.  In C. Rovee-Collier (Ed.) and D. Lewkowicz (Special Editor), Infant behavior & development: Special ICIS issue (Vol. 11) (p.147).  Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp.


Sullivan, M.C. (1996).  The association between early regulatory processes and self-regulation strategies at 15 months. In C. Rovee-Collier (Ed.) and D. Lewkowicz (Special Editor), Infant behavior & development: Special ICIS issue (Vol.11, p.147). Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corp.


Sullivan, M.C., & McGrath, M. M. (1996). Maternal control style in preschool children born at medical risk. In Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers Conference: Vol. 2 Research on Nursing throughout the Lifespan (pp. 759-773).  Stockholm, Sweden.


McGrath, M.M. & Sullivan, M.C. (1996, June).  Developmental competence in preschool high risk children: A multidimensional approach. In Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers Conference: Vol. 2 Research on Nursing throughout the Lifespan (pp. 436-450). Stockholm, Sweden.


McGrath, M.M., Sullivan, M.C., & Barcelos, S.O. (1997, April).  Maternal interaction patterns and developmental outcomes in full term and preterm preschool children.  Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development, Washington DC.


Sullivan, M.C., McGrath, M.M., & Barcelos, S.O.  (1997, April).  The association of maternal and child characteristics with maternal interaction patterns in a high risk preschool sample.  Poster session presented at the Society for Research in Child Development meeting, Washington, DC.


McGrath, M.M., Sullivan, M.C., &  Barcelos, S.O.  (1997, April).  Estimating medical and environmental risk indexes in high-risk children.  Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA.


McGrath, M. M.  (1998, April).  A longitudinal analysis of shifting neurological status in high-risk children. Paper session presented at Eastern Nursing Research Society, Rochester, NY.


Sullivan, M. C. (1998, April). Continuity and discontinuity of maternal control style in a high risk sample.  Paper session presented at Eastern Nursing Research Society, Rochester, NY.


McGrath, M. M., Sullivan, M. C., & Lang, I.  (1999, March). Clinical assessment and empirical findings of motor outcomes in children.  Paper session presented at the Delta Upsilon Chapter-At-Large Conference, Sigma Theta Tau International, Newport, RI.


McGrath, M. M., Sullivan, M. C., & Barcelos Sakkinen, S. (1999, April). Risk and protective processes: Re-evaluating school age competency. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, New York City, NY.


Sullivan, M. C., McGrath, M. M., & Barcelos Sakkinen, S. (1999, April). Testing maternal perception as a mediator model.  Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, New York City, NY.


McGrath, M. M., Brown, D.G., Leffers, J., Martins, D.,  Mercer, J, Sullivan, M.C., & Viau, P. (2000, March).Vulnerable populations’ responses to risk: Theoretical and practice implications for nursing. Symposium conducted at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, Newport, RI.

McGrath, M. M., Sullivan, M. C., Barcelos Sakkinen, S., & Clark, C. (2000, May).  Evaluating child competency via risk and protective processes. Paper session presented at the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers Conference, Reykavick, Iceland.


Sullivan, M. C., McGrath, M. M., Barcelos Sakkinen, S., & Clark, C. (2000, May). Motor delay and social competence in preschool and school age children. Paper session presented at the Workgroup of European Nurse Researchers Conference, Reykavick, Iceland.


Sullivan, M. C., McGrath, M. M., Barcelos Sakkinen, S., & Clark, C. (2000, May). Motor delay and social competence in preschool and school age children. In The 10th Biennial Conference of the Workgroup of  European Nurse Researchers (pp. 380-383). Reykjavik, Iceland.


McGrath, M. M., & Sullivan, M. C. (2001, April). Testing birthweight versus cumulative risk in preterm school age outcomes. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Newark, NJ.


Sullivan, M. C., & McGrath, M. M. (2001, April). Motor performance in two cohorts of low birthweight children at age 4. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Newark, NJ.


Msall, M. E., McGrath, M. M., Sullivan, M. C., & Capuano, S. Q. (2001, May). Developing a middle childhood functional classification system for high risk neonate: Impact of risk and protective factors. Paper session presented at the American Pediatric Society/Society for Pediatric Research, Baltimore, MD.


McGrath, M. M., Leffers, J., Godrey-Brown, D., Viau, P., Martins, D., Sullivan, M., & Mercer, J. (2001, June). New perspectives for professional nursing practice with high risk and vulnerable populations. Paper session presented at the International Council of Nurses Quadrennial Congress, Copenhagen, Denmark.


Sullivan, M.C., & McGrath, M.M. (2002, March).  Perinatal morbidity & preschool motor performance in two NICU cohorts born 10 years apart. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, State College, Pennsylvania.


Msall, M., McGrath, M.M., Sullivan, M.C., & Capuano, S.Q. (2001, May). Developing a middle childhood functional classification system for high risk neonates: Impact of risk and protective factors.  Paper session presented at the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, Long Beach, CA.


McGrath, M. M., Sullivan, M. C., Hawes, K., & DePalma, J. (2002, September). Reformulating nursing knowledge for our youngest and most vulnerable citizens. Paper session presented at the State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., McGrath, M. M., & Hawes, K. (2003, March). Growth trajectories of preterm children with various neonatal morbidities. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, 15th Annual Scientific Sessions, New Haven, CT.


McGrath, M.M., Sullivan, M.C., DePalma, J., Devin, J. (2003, March). Early precursors of low attention and hyperactivity in a preterm sample at age 4. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, New Haven, Connecticut.


Sullivan, M.C., & McGrath, M.M. (2004, July). Preterm motor performance: Cohort comparison at age 4. Paper session presented at the Sigma Theta Tau International, 15th International Research Congress. Dublin, Ireland.


McGrath, M.M., Sullivan, M.C., Barcelos, S., (2004, April). Socioemotional competency in middle school children born premature. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, Quincy, MA. 


Sullivan, M.C., McGrath, M.M., MacNeill, M., Hawes, K., (2004, April). Motor outcomes of preterm children at age 4: A decade comparison.  Poster session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, Quincy, MA.


Sullivan, M.C. & McGrath, M.M. (2004, October). Preterm motor outcomes: Comparing a decade of NICU advances. Paper session presented at the State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M.C. & Hawes, K. (2005, April). Brain anatomy & visual motor integration in preterm children. Paper session presented at Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, New York City, NY. 


Miller, R.J., Hawes, K., & Sullivan, M.C. (2005, April). Health status and behaviors of preterm children at age 12. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference, New York City, NY. (This presentation earned a doctoral student award for Robin Miller) 


Sullivan, M.C., & Hawes, K. (2006, April). Perinatal morbidity & preschool health conditions of two NICU cohorts born 10 years apart. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, 18th Annual Scientific Sessions, Cherry Hill, NJ.


Barcelos, S., Sullivan, M.C., & Marks, A. K. (2006, April). Perinatal group-specific effects on academic success at age 12. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, 18th Annual Scientific Sessions, Cherry Hill, NJ.


Sullivan, M.C., Hawes, K., & Cassese, J. (2006, April). Using magnetic resonance imaging in preterm children: Brain anatomy & visual motor integration. Paper session presented at the Delta Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International, Kingston, RI.


Miller, R.J., Hawes, K., & Sullivan, M.C. (2006, April). Health status and health behaviors of preterm children at age 12. Paper session presented at the Delta Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International, Kingston, RI.


Barcelos, S., Sullivan, M.C., & Marks, A. K. (2006, April). Perinatal group-specific effects on academic success at age 12. Paper session presented at the Delta Upsilon Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International, Kingston, RI.


Barcelos, S., & Sullivan, M.C. (2007, April). School performance of the preterm adolescent: Predictors of academic success. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, 19th Annual Scientific Sessions, Providence, RI. 


Miller, R. J. (2007, April). Stability, structure, and effects of perinatal morbidity on temperament from infancy to adolescence. Poster session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, 19th Annual Scientific Sessions, Providence, RI.


Barcelos Winchester, S., Sullivan, M.C., & Sorkin, A. (2008, March). Trajectories of problem behavior in children born premature: Risk and protective influences from birth to age 17. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA. 


Miller, R. J., & Sullivan, M.C. (2008, March). Health behaviors of preterm infants in early adolescence. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA. 


Hawes, K., & Sullivan, M.C (2008, March). Healthy preterm infants at age four – A cohort comparison of preschool health outcomes. Poster session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA.


Barcelos Winchester, S., & Sullivan, M. C. (2008, October). Academic achievement of preterm infants at age 17. Poster session presented at the Council of Advancement in Nursing Science, State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., Marks, A. K., Barcelos Winchester, S., & Miller, R. J. (2008, October). Social competence of preterm infants at age 17. Poster session presented at the Council of Advancement in Nursing Science, State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Miller, R. J. (2008, October). Understanding child temperament to facilitate goodness-of-fit. Poster session presented at the Council of Advancement in Nursing Science, State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Miller, R. J., Sullivan, M. C., & Barcelos Winchester, S. (2008, October). Risky behaviors in late adolescents born preterm. Poster session presented at the Council of Advancement in Nursing Science, State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., & Hawes, K. (2008, October). A decade comparison of healthy preterm infants at age four. Paper session for Council of Advancement in Nursing Science, State of the Science Congress, Washington, DC.


Miller, R. J. (2008, October). Stability of Temperament from Infancy to Adolescence. Poster session presented at the Occasional Temperament Conference, San Francisco, CA.


 Miller, R. J. (2008, October). Effects of Perinatal Morbidity on Temperament from Infancy to Adolescence. Poster session presented at the Occasional Temperament Conference, San Francisco, CA.


Sullivan, M. C., Msall, M. E., Winchester, S. B., & Miller, R. J. (2010, March ). 17-year outcome of preterm infants with diverse perinatal morbidities. Paper session presented at Eastern Nursing Research Society, Providence, RI. 


Sullivan, M.C., Msall, M.E., & Miller, R.J. (2010, March) 17-year outcome of preterm infants with diverse perinatal morbidities. Paper session presented at the Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Providence, RI.


Msall, M. E., Miller, R. J., & Sullivan, M. C. (2010, May). 17-year functioning and participation outcomes of preterm survivors with diverse perinatal morbidities. Poster session presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Sullivan, M.C., Miller, R. J., & Msall, M. E. (2010, May). 17-year physical, neurological, and behavioral outcomes of preterm survivors with diverse perinatal morbidities. Poster symposium conducted at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., Hawes, K., Miller, R.J., & Barcelos, M. (2010, October). Longitudinal effects of maternal protective factors. Paper session presented at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., Msall, M.E., Miller, R.J. (2010, October). Testing the WHO ICF model in preterm infants at 17. Paper session presented at the Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., Miller, R.J., Winchester, S.B, Barcelos, M., & Oliveira, E. (2011, March). Developmental origins theory and HPA axis function in formerly preterm infants at age 23. Paper session presented at Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA. 


Mitchell, P.A., Sullivan, M.C., Miller, R. J., Winchester, S. B., & Ziegler, J. W. (2011, September). Cardiopulmonary outcomes in young adults born prematurely with varying birth weights. Paper session presented at the Pediatric Work Physiology conference, University of Exeter, England.


Msall, M. E., Sullivan, M. C., & Miller, R. J. (2011, October). 17-year outcomes in functioning and participation after prematurity: Application of the International Classification of Functioning model. Paper session presented at the 65th Annual Meeting of the AACPDM conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.


Sullivan, M. C., Miller, R. J., Winchester, S. B., Barcelos, M., Oliveira, E., & Popa, A. (2012, May). Developmental origins theory and HPA axis function: Evidence from a longitudinal study of preterm infants at young adulthood.  Poster session presented at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Nursing Research Expo, Boston, MA. (This poster won the Nursing Research Poster Award) 


Sullivan, M. C., Msall, M. E., & Miller, R. J.  (2012, May).  Functioning and participation outcomes of preterm infants at age 17. Poster session presented at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Nursing Research Expo, Boston, MA.


Sharafi, M., Duffy, V. B., Miller, R. J., Winchester, S. B., Fogel, A., &  Sullivan, M. C.  (2012, October). Differences in food preference and dietary restraint between young adult preterms versus controls may parallel future chronic disease risk. Poster session presented at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Food and Nutrition Conference, Philadelphia, PA, Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 112(9S):A25.


Miller, R. J., Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., Barcelos, M., Oliveira, E., & Popa, A. (2013). Risk-Taking Behaviors of Preterm Infants in Late Adolescence and Young Adulthood. Paper abstract submitted to the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Boston, MA.


Winchester, S. B., Sullivan, M. C., Miller, R. J., Barcelos, M., & Oliveira, E. (2013, April). Diurnal patterns of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and sympathetic-adrenal-medulla function in preterm infants at young adulthood. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Boston, MA.


Sharafi, M., Duffy, V. B., Miller, R. J., Winchester, S. B., &  Sullivan, M. C.  (2013, April)  Do dietary behaviors of adult preterms explain some of the elevated future risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)? Paper session presented at the Experimental Biology, Boston, MA, Federation of the American Societies for Experimental Biology Journal, 26, 1067.6.


Sharafi M, Duffy VB, Miller RJ, Winchester SB, Sullivan MC. & Huedo-Medina T.  (2013, April). Development of Healthy Eating Preference Index: evidence of content and predictive validity.  Paper session presented at the 27th New England Statistics Symposium, Storrs, CT.


Winchester, S. B., Sullivan, M. C., Miller, R. J., Barcelos, M., Oliveira, E., & Msall, M. E. (2013, May). Impact of executive dysfunction among preterm infants at age 23. Paper session presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., Miller, R. J., Barcelos, M., Oliveira, E., & Msall, M. E. (2013, May). Medical, neurological, and psychological health status at age 23 years among preterm Infants with diverse neonatal morbidities. Poster session presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Washington, DC.


Roberts, M. B., Sullivan, M. C., Winchester S. B., & Miller, R. J. (2014, April). Examining solutions to missing data in longitudinal research. Paper session presented at the Eastern Nursing Research Society, Philadelphia, PA.


Ziegler, J. Z., Mitchell, P. A., Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., Klevak, A., & Miller, R. J. (2014, May). Exercise responses and pulmonary function testing in preterm infants at age 23. Poster session presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, Vancouver, BC, Canada.


Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., & Granger, D. A. (2014, September). Developmental Origins Theory and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function: Diurnal cortisol in preterm infants at young adulthood. Paper session presented at the Council for Advancement in Nursing Science, Washington, DC.


Sullivan, M. C., Scott, A., & Winchester, S. B. (2015, May). Classifications of prematurity and cognitive outcomes to age 17 years. Poster session presented at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Nursing Research Expo, Boston, MA. 


Winchester, S. B., & Sullivan, M. C. (2015, September). Diurnal patterns of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in preterm infants at young adulthood: Effects of prematurity, birth weight, and socioeconomic status. Poster session presented to the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinolgy Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, Psychoneuroendocrinoloyg, 61, 29. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.470


Sullivan, M. C., & Winchester, S. B. (2015, September). Cumulative risk and protection in diurnal patterns of cortisol in preterm infants at young adulthood. Poster session presented to the International Society for Psychoneuroendocrinolgy Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, Psychoneuroendocrinoloyg, 61, 30. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.471


Msall, M. E., Winchester, S. B., & Sullivan, M. C. (2015, October). Biomedical and social risks for late adolescent functioning and social participation after prematurity. Paper session abstract accepted to American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, San Antonio, TX.


Winchester, S. B., & Sullivan, M. C. (2015, October). Health & function of preterm infants at emerging adulthood. Poster session abstract accepted at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Miami, FL.


Sullivan, M. C., & Winchester, S. B. (2015, October). Preterm infant survivors at emerging adulthood: Evidence of Developmental Origins Theory? Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood, Miami, FL.


Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., & Msall, M. E. (2016, April/May). Health outcomes at age 23 years after prematurity: Evidence of Developmental Origins Theory? Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies,Baltimore, MD.


Sullivan, M. C., Winchester, S. B., & Msall, M. E. (2016, May). Health outcomes at young adulthood in preterm infants: Evidence of Developmental Origins Theory? Poster session accepted at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Yvonne L. Munn Center for Nursing Research, Nursing Research Expo, Boston, MA.


Scott, A., Winchester, S. B., & Sullivan, M. C. (2016, August) Substance use in formerly preterm infants at age 17 years. Poster presented to American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.


Sullivan, M.C. Health and achievement of premature infants with various morbidities. Invited paper, 2015, May) Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare 27th Annual Pediatric Progress Conference, Milwaukee, WI.


Sullivan, M.C. & Winchester, S.B. (Invited Keynote, 2015, May). Premature infants at young adulthood: Early evidence of Developmental Origins Theory. Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare 27th Annual Pediatric Progress Conference, Milwaukee, WI.


Sullivan, M.C. Invited paper (2015, November). Prematurity & Intensive Neonatal Care in the US. The 6th International Nursing Conference. Surabaya, Indonesia.


Sullivan, M.C. (Invited Speaker, 2017, October). Born to Soon: Premature Infants and their Development to Adulthood. Paper presented as the Distinguished Alumnus Award Lecture, University of Nebraska Medical Center, College of Nursing Center for Nursing Science, Omaha NE (1 contact hour awarded).


Sullivan, M.C. (Invited Speaker, 2018, March). Premature Infants & their Development to Adulthood.. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the New England Association of Neonatal Nurses NEANN annual meeting, Newport, RI.


Sullivan, M.C., Bryce, C.I., & Granger, D.A. (2018, September). Comparing Salivary Cortisol & Alpha-Amylase Patterns in Preterm Infants at 23 Years.  Poster presented at the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE), Irvine, CA. 


Sullivan, M.C., & Msall, M.E. (2019, April). Rhode Island Cohort Longitudinal Study. Paper presented at the Adult Preterm International Collaboration (APIC) meeting, Baltimore, MD.


Msall, M.E., Roberts, M. B., & Sullivan, M.C. (2019, April). Prematurity, Cortisol Dysregulation and Cardiometabolic Status at Age 23 Years. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pediatric Academic Societies, Baltimore, MD.

Rhode Island Cohort of Adults Born Prematurely



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