Lang, I. (2000). Kids at camp: Understanding disruptive behaviors and a model of intervention. University of Rhode Island. Kingston, RI. Graduate Assistant.
Gallagher, J. (2001). Depression and self-efficacy in the elderly: A theoretical perspective. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. Graduate Assistant.
Welesko, M.B. (2001). The effects of a focused educational intervention on collective efficacy of home care nurses caring for COPD patients. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. Graduate Assistant.
Hawes, K. (2002). A transformational leadership program for hospice nurses. University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI. Graduate Assistant.
Stengel, J. (2006). Preschool self-regulation and late adolescent risk behavior. Unpublished master’s thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Miller, R. J. (2007). Stability, structure, and effects of perinatal morbidity on temperament from infancy to adolescence. Doctoral dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Smith, N. (2010). Maternal factors and social competence of preterm infants at age 12. Doctoral dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Wright, C., & Sullivan, M. C. (2011, April). Psychiatric symptoms and preterm infants; Is perception of vulnerability a factor? Poster session presented at the University of Rhode Island, Discovery Conference, Kingston, RI.
Wright, C. (2011). Psychiatric symptoms and preterm infants; Is perception of vulnerability a factor? Master of Science Thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Smith, N. (2011, June). The Effect of Perinatal Morbidity, Child Health, and Maternal Influences on Social Competence in Formerly Preterm Infants at age 12 Years. Poster session presented at the Pediatric Nursing 27th Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Hickey, J. (2012). Anxiety, psychiatric disorders and diurnal salivary cortisol levels. Master of Science Thesis, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Sharafi, M., Duffy, V, B., Miller, R. J., Winchester, S. B., Heudo-Medina, T., & Sullivan, M. C. Do dietary behaviors of adult preterms explain some of the elevated future risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD)? Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Hickey, J. (2017). Stress, Coping, Emotional Intelligence, Emotional Health, and Salivary Cortisol Levels in Emerging Adults, Age 23, Born Prematurely and Full Term. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI.
Rhode Island Cohort of Adults Born Prematurely